Rhinolophus philippinensis    Family Rhinolophidae

Common name(s): Large-eared Horsehoe-bat

Number of occurrence records: 81 raw records; 19 records after filtering

Models fitted: MaxEnt

Last model update: 30 September 2012

Prediction: A -41.72% LOSS in overall climate suitability is predicted for this species between current (baseline) climate and climate in 2050.

Change in components of overall climate suitability:

Climate suitability indexGain or loss
High (0.65 - 1)-25.16
Medium (0.35 - 0.65)-20.98
Low (0 - 0.35)4.43

Occurrence maps:

Australia & PNG


Model consensus maps:

Click on map to see larger image.

Current climate

2050 climate

Materials and methods

Briefly, the methods used were:

  • Occurrence data was gathered from GBIF and ALA
  • Climate data was provided by WordClim current or baseline climate, and future climate for 2050 was derived from 14 GCM used in the IPCC AR4
  • Models of climate suitability were fitted using current climate and projected onto the 14 future climates
  • A mean map of predicted climate suitability was made across the 14 projections to give a consensus map

A detailed description of the methods used is provided here.

Microchiropteran families present in Australia-PNG:

Microchiopteran families present in Australia and Papua New Guinea:

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Key results

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