Species distribution modelling:

Exotic plants naturalised in Australia

WoNS list species

Species on the "Weeds of National Significance (WoNS) list" were selected because they were considered the worst threats to agriculture and conservation. Details of the process of list formation as well as biological/ecological information on each species is available at Weeds Australia and Weeds in Australia.

Index to WoNS (declared) species accounts

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Scientific nameCommon name(s)Notes
Alternanthera philoxeroidesAlligator weed
Andropogon gayanusGamba grass
Annona glabraPond apple
Anredera cordifoliaMadeira vine
Asparagus aethiopicusAsparagus fern
Asparagus africanusAsparagus fern
Asparagus asparagoidesBridal creeper
Asparagus declinatusBrida veil
Asparagus plumosus
Asparagus scandensAsparagus fern
Austrocylindropuntia cylindrica
Austrocylindropuntia subulataNot modelled: Problem accessing GBIF records

Scientific nameCommon name(s)Notes
Cabomba carolinianaCambomba; Fanwort
Chrysanthemoides moniliferaBitou bush; boneseed
Cryptostegia grandifloraRubber vine
Cylindropuntia fulgidaCoral cactus
Cylindropuntia imbricataDevil's rope cactus
Cylindropuntia kleiniaeCactus
Cylindropuntia leptocaulisCactus
Cylindropuntia proliferaJumping choya
Cylindropuntia roseaHudson pear
Cylindropuntia spinosiorWalkingstick cactus; Snake cactus
Cylindropuntia sppCactusIncludes: Cylindropuntia fulgida; Cylindropuntia imbricata; Cylindropuntia kleiniae; Cylindropuntia leptocaulis; Cylindropuntia prolifera; Cylindropuntia rosea; Cylindropuntia spinosior; Cylindropuntia tunicata
Cylindropuntia tunicataCactus
Cytisus scopariusBroom; Common broom; Scottish broom; English broom

Scientific nameCommon name(s)Notes
Eichhornia crassipesWater hyacinth

Scientific nameCommon name(s)Notes
Genista linifoliaFlax-leaf broom
Genista monspessulanaCape broom; Canary broom

Scientific nameCommon name(s)Notes
Hymenachne amplexicaulisHymenachne

Scientific nameCommon name(s)Notes
Jatropha gossypifoliaBellyache bush

Scientific nameCommon name(s)Notes
Lantana camaraLantana
Lycium ferocissimumAfrican boxthorn

Scientific nameCommon name(s)Notes
Macfadyena unguis-catiCat's claw creeper
Mimosa pigraMimosa; Giant sensitive plant

Scientific nameCommon name(s)Notes
Nassella neesianaChilean needle-grass
Nassella trichotomaSerrated tussock

Scientific nameCommon name(s)Notes
Opuntia aurantiacaTiger pear
Opuntia dejectaPrickly pearNot modelled: Insufficient occurrence records
Opuntia dilleniiPrickly pear
Opuntia elataPrickly pear
Opuntia elatiorPrickly pear
Opuntia engelmanniiPrickly pear
Opuntia humifusaPrickly pear
Opuntia leucotrichaPrickly pear
Opuntia linguiformisPrickly pear
Opuntia microdasysPrickly pear
Opuntia monacanthaDrooping tree pear
Opuntia polyacanthaPrickly pear
Opuntia puberulaPrickly pear
Opuntia robustaWheel cactus
Opuntia schickendantziiPrickly pear
Opuntia sppPrickly pearsIncludes: Opuntia aurantiaca; Opuntia dejecta; Opuntia dillenii; Opuntia elata; Opuntia elatior; Opuntia engelmannii; Opuntia humifusa; Opuntia leucotricha; Opuntia linguiformis; Opuntia microdasys; Opuntia monacantha; Opuntia polyacantha; Opuntia puberula; Opuntia robusta; Opuntia schickendantzii; Opuntia streptacantha; Opuntia stricta; Opuntia sulphurea; Opuntia tomentosa
Opuntia streptacanthaPrickly pear
Opuntia strictaCommon prickly pear
Opuntia sulphureaPrickly pear
Opuntia tomentosaPrickly pear

Scientific nameCommon name(s)Notes
Parkinsonia aculeataParkinsonia
Parthenium hysterophorusParthenium weed
Prosopis glandulosaHoney mesquite
Prosopis julifloraMesquiteSynonym of Prosopis velutina
Prosopis pallidaMesquite
Prosopis sppMesquiteIncludes: Prosopis glandulosa; Prosopis juliflora; Prosopis pallida; Prosopis velutina
Prosopis velutinaVelvet mesquite; Quilpie mesquite

Scientific nameCommon name(s)Notes
Rubus echinatusBlackberry
Rubus erythropsBlackberry
Rubus fruticosusBlackberry
Rubus fruticosus_spp_aggBlackberryIncludes: Rubus anglocandicans; Rubus cissburiensis; Rubus echinatus; Rubus fruticosus; Rubus laciniatus; Rubus leightonii; Rubus leucostachys; Rubus phaeocarpus; Rubus riddelsdellii; Rubus rubritinctus; Rubus ulmifolius; Rubus vestitus
Rubus laciniatusBlackberry
Rubus leightoniiBlackberry
Rubus leucostachysBlackberry
Rubus phaeocarpusBlackberry
Rubus polyanthemusBlackberry
Rubus riddelsdelliiBlackberry
Rubus rubritinctusBlackberry
Rubus ulmifoliusBlackberry
Rubus vestitusBlackberry

Scientific nameCommon name(s)Notes
Sagittaria platyphyllaSagittaria
Salix albaWillow
Salix babylonicaWillow
Salix chilensisWillow
Salix cinereaWillow
Salix matsudanaWillow
Salix myricoidesWillow
Salix nigraWillow
Salix sppIncludes: Salix alba; Salix babylonica; Salix chilensis; Salix cinerea; Salix matsudana; Salix myricoides; Salix nigra; Salix viminalis
Salix viminalisWillow
Salvinia molestaSalvinia
Senecio madagascariensisFireweed
Solanum elaeagnifoliumSilverpleaf nightshade

Scientific nameCommon name(s)Notes
Tamarix aphyllaTamarisk; Athel pine

Scientific nameCommon name(s)Notes
Ulex europaeusGorse; Furze; Whin

Scientific nameCommon name(s)Notes
Vachellia nilotica

Index to WoNS (shortlisted) species accounts

Index to ALL species accounts

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Scientific nameCommon name(s)Notes
Anredera cordifoliaMadeira vine
Argemone mexicanaMexican poppy
Argemone ochroleucaMexican poppy
Asparagus declinatusBrida veil

Scientific nameCommon name(s)Notes
Bassia scopariaKochia; Summer cyperus
Bryophyllum delagoenseMother of millions

Scientific nameCommon name(s)Notes
Calotropis proceraCaloptrope
Celtis sinensisChinese elm; Japanese hackberry
Cortaderia selloanaPampas grass
Cuscuta campestrisGolden dodder
Cytisus scopariusBroom; Common broom; Scottish broom; English broom

Scientific nameCommon name(s)Notes
Echium plantagineumPatterson's curse; Salvation Jane
Eichhornia crassipesWater hyacinth
Elephantopus mollisTobacco weed
Eragrostis curvulaAfrican Lovegrass
Erica lusitanicaSpanish heath
Euphorbia paraliasSea spurge
Euphorbia terracinaFalse caper

Scientific nameCommon name(s)Notes
Genista monspessulanaCape broom; Canary broom
Gleditsia triacanthosHoney locust
Gomphocarpus fruticosusNarrow-leaf cotton bush

Scientific nameCommon name(s)Notes
Hydrocotyle ranunculoidesHydrocotyle; Water pennywort
Hypericum perforatumSt John's wort
Hyptis suaveolensHyptis

Scientific nameCommon name(s)Notes
Jatropha gossypifoliaBellyache bush

Scientific nameCommon name(s)Notes
Lantana montevidensisCreeping lantana
Ligustrum lucidumBroad-leaved privet
Ligustrum sinenseSmall-leaved privet
Lycium ferocissimumAfrican boxthorn

Scientific nameCommon name(s)Notes
Macfadyena unguis-catiCat's claw creeper

Scientific nameCommon name(s)Notes
Onopordum acanthiumOnopordum thistle
Onopordum acaulonStemless Thistle
Onopordum illyricumIllyrian Thistle
Onopordum sppThistlesIncludes: Onopordum acanthium; Onopordum acaulon; Onopordum illyricum
Orobanche minorBranched broomrape

Scientific nameCommon name(s)Notes
Pennisetum polystachionMission grass
Phyla canescensLippia; Fog-fruit
Polygala myrtifoliaMyrtleleaf milkwort

Scientific nameCommon name(s)Notes
Reseda luteolaWild mignoette; Weld

Scientific nameCommon name(s)Notes
Schinus terebinthifoliusBroad-leaf pepper tree
Senecio jacobaeaRagwort
Senecio madagascariensisFireweed
Senna obtusifoliaJava bean
Senna toraSicklepod; Java bean
Sida rhombifoliaPaddy's lucerne
Solanum elaeagnifoliumSilverpleaf nightshade
Spartina anglicaRice grass
Sporobolus indicusGiant Parramatta grass
Sporobolus natalensisGiant rats-tail grass
Sporobolus pyramidalisGiant rats-tail grass
Stachytarpheta jamaicensisSnake weed
Stachytarpheta mutabilis

Scientific nameCommon name(s)Notes
Themeda quadrivalvisGrader grass
Thunbergia grandifloraBlue thunbergia; Blue trumpet vine

Scientific nameCommon name(s)Notes
Watsonia aletroidesWatsonia
Watsonia borbonicaWatsonia
Watsonia marginataWatsonia
Watsonia merianaBulbil watsonia
Watsonia sppWatsoniaIncludes: Watsonia aletroides; Watsonia borbonica; Watsonia marginata; Watsonia meriana; Watsonia versfeldii
Watsonia versfeldiiWatsonia

Scientific nameCommon name(s)Notes
Xanthium occidentaleNoogoora burr
Xanthium spinosumBathurst burr
Xanthium sppIncludes: Xanthium occidentale; Xanthium spinosum

Scientific nameCommon name(s)Notes
Zantedeschia aethiopicaArum lilly; Calla lilly
Ziziphus mauritianaChinese apple; Indian jujube

The big picture

What do we see when we consolidate SDMs for a large and diverse collection of species? The results so far challenge some preconceived notions of what could happen to weeds under climate change. Perhaps the biggest result is that many of the worst weeds of the later part of the 20th Century will most likely not be as great a threat in the 21st Century. There are many naturalised species "waiting in the wings" ready to emerge as the next greatest threat to sustainable food production and biodiversity conservation. Continued...

Exotic plants naturalised in Australia

With such a large and diverse group to model, there are many ways to present the results. I have used the following groupings because often an exotic naturalised plant species will appear in a number of the groups. Following one of the links below will take you to an index page from which you may access the species accounts for group members.

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