Species distribution modelling:

Exotic plants naturalised in Australia

Sleeper list species

Species on the "Sleeper list" were selected because... See XXXXX for more details on the list's origins and on the species.

Index to Sleeper List species accounts

Scientific name Common name(s) Notes
Aeschynomene paniculataPannicle Jointvetch
Asystasia gangeticaChinese violet
Baccharis pingraeaChilquilla
Brillantaisia lamiumGiant tropical salvia
Crupina vulgarisCommon crupina
Cuscuta suaveolensFringed dodder; Chilean dodderAlso included in Cuscuta spp
Eleocharis parodiiParodi spike rush
Froelichia floridanaSnake cotton
Gmelina ellipticaBadhara bush
Hieracium aurantiacumOrange hawkweedAlso included in Hieracium spp
Nassella charruanaLobed needle-grass
Oenanthe pimpinelloidesMeadow parsley; Water dropwort
Onopordum tauricumTaurian thistleAlso included in Onopordum spp
Piptochaetium montevidenseUruguayan rice-grass
Rorippa sylvestrisCreeping yellowcress

The big picture

What do we see when we consolidate SDMs for a large and diverse collection of species? The results so far challenge some preconceived notions of what could happen to weeds under climate change. Perhaps the biggest result is that many of the worst weeds of the later part of the 20th Century will most likely not be as great a threat in the 21st Century. There are many naturalised species "waiting in the wings" ready to emerge as the next greatest threat to sustainable food production and biodiversity conservation. Continued...

Exotic plants naturalised in Australia

With such a large and diverse group to model, there are many ways to present the results. I have used the following groupings because often an exotic naturalised plant species will appear in a number of the groups. Following one of the links below will take you to an index page from which you may access the species accounts for group members.

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